About Us

Hello Fellow Plant Lovers!


So glad you’re here! Tangled Tropicals was founded in August, 2023. Prior to opening the small, family owned nursery, Kristina spent 7 years running a clothing boutique, She Feels Pretty. Originally from MN, she has always had a green thumb and a passion for plants. It was a lifelong dream to move to a tropical climate, even as a child drawing pictures of palm trees and ocean scenes - hoping one day it could be reality.


In Minnesota, Kristina met her husband Kaleb and together, had 4 beautiful children. Kaleb worked as a police officer, and Kristina spent time raising her family, growing fresh fruit and vegetables, and was always so sad to have to say goodbye to all the beautiful plants a long summers work, digging everything up before the first frost of the year.


So…Finally, the family decided to take a HUGE leap of faith - and decided to move to Florida to start fresh in their dream spot, just outside of Tampa, FL in 2017.


Kaleb and Kristina joined forces and together, and launched She Feels Pretty, LLC starting from complete scratch. Growing the business was a lot of fun; and it soon became quite successful selling mainly on Facebook Live featuring clothing and women’s accessories.


Despite being immersed in the boutique, Kristina was always acquiring plants behind the scenes. Over the years, she began slowly edging into more collector plants and rare, highly sought after tropical plants. As her collection grew, she realized the amount of plants in her collection started to outnumber the amount of clothing pieces in her closet…. And that was a clear indication as to where her heart was and she decided it was time to turn that focus away from fashion and style - and chase that true passion in life…. PLANTS! It was time to wipe off the makeup, rip those false nails off and start digging in the dirt full time - and share that love with as many people as possible!


It was a scary move - turning from everything the family had known and wandering into a brand new and unrelated concept and niche that understandably may not have a lot of customer overlap. Despite being amazing loyal, fashion loving customers - folks aren’t always equally interested in plants - so it was be basically like starting completely from scratch… again. It hasn’t been easy - but the family all agrees that it’s a much better fit and a reflection of the family as a whole!


We appreciate all support of our customers and friends, new and old!! Unfortunately, despite the clothing boutique boasted a stellar reputation - the reviews and customer contacts were not able to be rolled over into Tangled Tropicals. That said, the Tangled Tropicals team welcomes any reviews from anyone who can speak to the business practices and character - to alleviate some concern new customers may have supporting such a new business.


Above all else, the Tangled Tropicals family values connection and relationships - and wants everyone to know not to ever hesitate to reach out for anything. They can be reached via email at Hello@TangledTropicals.com


Happy Planting!

Your Tangled Tropicals Team