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Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen Tricolor 6”

Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen Tricolor 6”

Regular price $24.00 USD
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Hoya carnosa Krimson Queen is a true queen in its appearance. It has beautiful tricolor variegation on its thick, waxy leaves. A popular species in the Hoya genus not only for its beauty but for its tolerance to drought. It would be a great blessing to have Hoya Krimson Queen as a houseplant.

Scientific Name Hoya carnosa ‘Krimson Queen’
Common Name Wax plant, Porcelain flower, Hoya Carnosa
Light Bright, indirect light.
Watering Water regularly during the growth period
Temperature Temperatures between 60-90ºF (16-32ºC)
Hardiness Zone Zones 9 – 12
Humidity 60% humidity or more
Soil Type Well-draining and porous soil mix that is light and fluffy
Soil pH 6 to 6.5
Fertilizing Nitrogen-rich, water-soluble fertilizer is most recommended
Repotting Every 2 to 3 years
Pruning Spring & summer are the best times to prune
Propagation Stem cuttings
Toxicity Non-toxic to humans and pets
Mature Size 60 to 80 inches if indoors but can reach up to 20 feet in the wild
Bloom Time Three or four years of growth, spring, and summer
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