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Ficus Ruby Pink 5”

Ficus Ruby Pink 5”

Regular price $24.00 USD
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Rubber Tree' Ruby Pink
Botanical Name: Ficus elastica 'Ruby'

Ficus Ruby Pink has a gentle pink tone and a glossy, glowing red hue on its leaves that make it an eye-catching gem amongst plants. To keep it looking its best, keep it clean, and place it in bright indirect light. However, avoid direct sunlight as it may lead to leaf burn.

Ficus elastica 'Ruby' plants display unique variegation that changes with the amount of light they receive. It is important to not overwater; allow the soil to dry out between waterings to avoid leaf drop. Although forgiving, Ficus Ruby can have difficulty adapting to frequent relocations, so be sure to find a spot that meets its needs. Discover more about caring for this low-maintenance houseplant.!


Though Ficus Ruby can tolerate low light, optimal growth occurs with several hours of morning sun and filtered sunlight for the remainder of the day. Exposing the plant to more than 8 hours of indirect light will result in the leaves displaying their famous ruby hue. Take caution when introducing Ficus Ruby to direct sunlight, as high afternoon temperatures can cause damage if the plant is not properly prepared.


The Ficus elastica 'Ruby' is easier to care for than thin-leaved types of ficus. It prefers the soil to be somewhat damp most of the time but not soaked. In most cases, weekly watering is sufficient but temperatures and light exposure will dictate how much moisture the plant will use. Reduce the watering frequency in winter as the days get shorter and cooler. Yellowing and falling leaves indicate over-watering, leading to root rot and the ultimate demise of your Ruby Ficus! However, older, lower leaves can also turn yellow and fall off. If you notice this happening at a rapid pace (which is not normal!), pay close attention to the moisture level in the soil and make any necessary watering adjustments.


Ficus Ruby needs soil with drainage and the ability to hold moisture long enough for the roots to absorb it. Ficus should never be planted in dense soil mixtures with moisture-retaining crystals, so be sure to check the labels when purchasing pre-mixed potting soil.


Temperatures between 65°F and 80°F are perfect for Ficus Ruby. Never allow temperatures to get below 55°F as the leaves can become misshaped and eventually fall off!


This plant prefers a relatively humid environment. Do what you can to increase the humidity for these tropical indoor plants. Try adding pebble trays filled with water under your ficus, group them, or use a cool mist humidifier.


Fertilize your Ruby Ficus every six weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer (equal parts N-P-K) diluted to ¼ the recommended strength during the spring and summer. A balanced fertilizer contains equal amounts of phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. Keep track of how often you add fertilizer to your Ficus Ruby because too much fertilizer can do more harm than good.  Avoid fertilizing during the winter as the plant slows in producing growth, as the unused fertilizer can cause leaf damage.  

Growth Rate

Ficus elastica 'Ruby', if loved and treated with plant respect, can grow over 24" each growing season! It is a relatively fast-growing houseplant if given the light and warmth it needs to proliferate! Ficus Ruby can reach heights of over 15’+ indoors if you have the space. You can trim it back every spring to keep its height in check.

Pro Tips

  1. Pruning your plants not only improves their appearance but also promotes their general growth. When you decide to trim your Ficus ruby plant, be sure to cut above the leaf nodes.
  2. Place this plant in a shady outdoor setting. You can put it on a patio or beneath an umbrella. You may even position it beneath the shades of a bigger tree. Bringing your ficus outdoors for the summer will help it grow faster, but remember to bring it back inside before the nighttime temperatures fall below 50°F
  3. Clean the leaves of your ficus often, as they are known, dust collectors! This will help grow, stay pest free, and look fabulous.
  4. Rotate your ficus every time you water it to help maintain a well-rounded shape!
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