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Monkey Tail Cactus (Assorted Size)

Monkey Tail Cactus (Assorted Size)

Regular price $38.00 USD
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Cleistocactus winteri ssp. colademononisis, also known as the "Monkey's Tail Cactus", is a pendant cactus with a dense covering of soft, hair-like spines. This visually striking plant originates from Bolivia and thrives on sun-drenched cliffs with high levels of humidity. It produces vibrant coral-pink flowers with a tubular base and a burst of petals, adding a pop of color to its already unique appearance. This low-maintenance cactus only requires bright, filtered light and occasional watering when the soil is dry. As a member of the Cactaceae family, it is known for its drought-tolerant nature and can withstand moderate to high levels of humidity.


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